Personal history tells us that the length of labour was getting shorter and shorter. Our first child took 12 hours, the next one was 8 and the third one was only 6 hours. So naturally, we’ve set ourselves for a shorter labour. 4 hours perhaps. She could even come sooner. I know a friend who almost did not make it to the hospital as hers only lasted 45 minutes.
How wrong were we!
What actually happened was a 22 hour long test of endurance…not for me, but for my dearest wife. I was there the whole time and wished I could somehow take some of the load…but all I could do was just be there.
We never thought we’ll get to the other side but on 16 December 2008, at 6.12am we welcomed our new arrival, Eliyah Cate.
All praises go to God and of course to my lovely wife, who felt it all!
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: Proverbs 31:28

congratulations on your new baby...another addition to your parental adventures. happy new year.
Thank you very much pare! Parenting is an adventure indeed! Thanks for dropping by my page!
Congratulations bro! Sure the baby is a nice Christmas/New Year gift to the family.
Thanks bro! She sure is one of a kind Christmas present...
Congrats bro! haba ng buhok a.
Pare, all my kids were born with lots of hair.... mana sa tatay!
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