…And so begins another chapter in my blogging life.
When I first began writing online my intention was never for food to be the main focus…it just organically became that way.
But now I want to continue or you might say, begin again with the intention to fulfil my original intentions.
Salt – saltof.blogspot.com
When I first began writing online my intention was never for food to be the main focus…it just organically became that way.
But now I want to continue or you might say, begin again with the intention to fulfil my original intentions.
Salt – saltof.blogspot.com

Why Salt?
Although this is not going to be about food it is still about me…
Salt has been used in the Bible as a metaphor for a lot of things with the following verse as one of my favourites:
Let your speech be always with grace, having been seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one – Colossians 4:6
Salt’s preservative characteristic has always been highlighted pushing aside its other wonderful qualities that are just as important (maybe even more).
In the verse above, I believe “having been seasoned with salt” is less about preservation but more about “bringing out the goodness” of people through ones speech.
My pan de sal and ensaymadas would not be their brilliants selves without salt!
Can you imagine “nilaga” (Filipino Beef Soup) without it? You might as well drink hot water and chew rubber.
And doesn’t pineapple taste more pineapplely when dipped in a bit of salt? This is probably an acquired taste but salt, for me, brings out the sweetness of the fruit even more.
I just couldn’t help my self, could I? We’re back in the subject of food again. What I mean is, can you imagine how food in general would taste like without salt?
Let’s go back to the why…
Jesus said, in Matthew 5:13:
You are the salt of the earth…
I am just trying to follow…
And salt -- sodium chloride -- equals Na+ and Cl- , two of the main electrolytes in our body.
Salt is essential to any living form. Period. :)
Thanks for that Manang!
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