For those not in the know Angry Birds is an extremely popular game available on the iPhone (and other Apple “i” products plus other smart phones). As described on Wikipedia:

“In the game, players use a slingshot to launch birds at pigs stationed on or within various structures, with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playfield. As players advance through the game, new birds appear, some with special abilities that can be activated by the player.”

It may not sound much but the game is highly addictive. It sure helps me while the time away as I wait for my bus, plane, train or any other sort of waiting I have to do. I guess it was an easy choice when I was asked me what cake I would like on my birthday.

I am not going to say a lot more except Thank You! (once again) to my lovely wife who laboured till the wee hours of the morning (no, not to give birth to our 5th child) to produce this amazing cake. It’s made of two kinds of cake. The bigger layer is red velvet with white chocolate ganache. The mini cake on top is chocolate mud cake with dark chocolate ganache. I brought it to the office yesterday and was quickly gobbled up by my colleagues pigs, birds, rocks and all.

By the way, my dearest wife has her own blog now to showcase her cake designs. Do visit Cherry’s Cakes. And if you want her to create one for you please email me: enuguid@gmail.com.