Thursday, October 22, 2009

Baon – Leftover Steak Dinner

I like my rice plain. But one thing that is almost unavoidable when bringing baon to work is soaking it in whatever ulam I’ve brought. Unless I’ve got separate compartments in my baunan my rice is bound to be infused. The rice and the ulam will go together later on anyway so what am I fussing about? Well, I like to do it in my own terms…

For today, I’ve brought left over steak and vegies. My workmate also gave me some home made bola-bola siopao (Vietnamese style) which I had for breakfast.


  1. Wow you are really fancy putting your leftovers so neatly on a plate! I tend to just microwave them and then eat them straight out of the container I had them in.

  2. Hello there Julie! I make the extra effort now that i'm posting my "baons" online...also, i want to show that packed lunches can/are better than take outs/take-aways...
