This post is a just a series of photographs of airline/airport meals I’ve had most of them in the past two weeks.
If you are really keen there is a website you can visit that features airline meals: Airlinemeals.Net. Yup, I’m not the only one! There are millions of us out there!

Drinks: Jasmine Green Tea & Apple Juice
Comment: This is my usual breakfast at Qantas Club before an early morning flight.

Route: BNE – GLT
Class: Economy
Aircraft: Q400 Bombardier
Meal: Breakfast
Drinks: Orange Juice, Water and White Tea
Comment: New Qantas packaging. This is a lot sturdier than the old one.
Class: Economy
Aircraft: Q400 Bombardier
Meal: Breakfast – Berry Muffin and a packet of dried canberries
Drinks: Orange Juice, Water & White Tea
Comment: The muffin was nice and most but not enough to satisfy.

Class: Economy
Aircraft: Q400 Bombardier
Meal: Afternoon refreshment – Salami stick, water crackers and sharp cheddar.
Drinks: Ginger Beer (not in photo) & Water
Comment: A very welcome snack at 5 in the afternoon.

Meal: Pre-flight Breakfast – Raisin Toast
Drinks: Jasmine Green Tea & Apple Juice
Comment: This is my usual breakfast at Qantas Club before an early morning flight. Route: SYD – BNE
Class: Economy
Aircraft: B767-338
Meal: Breakfast – Kellogg’s Just Right Original, banana and a fruit roll
Drinks: White tea and Berri Orange Juice
Comment: I’m not fond of cereal. I only ate the roll and the fruit.

Route: DAR – BNE
Class: Economy
Aircraft: B767-338
Meal: Lunch – Chicken with cashews and rice and the obligatory bread roll
Drinks: Soda water, water and white tea
Comment: The chicken with cashews wasn’t too bad. It just needed a bit more salt.
Route: DAR – BNE
Class: Economy
Aircraft: B767-338
Meal: Lunch – Chicken with cashews and rice and the obligatory bread roll
Drinks: Soda water, water and white tea
Comment: The chicken with cashews wasn’t too bad. It just needed a bit more salt.
Class: Economy
Aircraft: B767-338
Meal: Afternoon tea – pink muffin
Drinks: Soda water, water and white tea
Comment: Qantas serve a snack to break this 4 hour domestic flight. This muffin was pink in conjunction with Breast Cancer Awareness Week.

Drinks: Soy Latte & Apple Juice
Comment: Barista made coffees are now available at Qantas Club

Class: Economy
Aircraft: B737-400
Meal: Breakfast – Weet-Bix Crunch, banana, fruit roll
Drinks: Berri Multi V Juice and White Tea
Comment: Again, I’m not fond of cereal. I only ate the roll and the fruit.

Class: Economy
Aircraft: B737-400
Meal: Lunch – Pesto Chicken & Sundried Tomato on Wholemeal bread
Drinks: Soda Water, water and white tea
Comment: The sandwich was actually very good.

Class: Economy
Aircraft: B767-338
Meal: Breakfast – Granola Clusters, sliced apple, and fruit roll
Drinks: Multi V Juice, water and white tea
Comment: The roll was warm and comforting. No cereal for me, thanks!

Drinks: Water and Apple Juice
Comment: I wish they would update their menu soon.

Route: DAR - BNE
Class: Economy
Aircraft: B767-338
Meal: Lunch – Southern Indian Chicken Curry with rice and a bread roll
Drinks: Soda water (not in photo), water and coffee
Comment: The curry was probably one of the best I’ve had on board.

Route: DAR - BNE
Class: Economy
Aircraft: B767-338
Meal: Lunch – Southern Indian Chicken Curry with rice and a bread roll
Drinks: Soda water (not in photo), water and coffee
Comment: The curry was probably one of the best I’ve had on board.

Route: DAR – BNE
Class: Economy
Aircraft: B767-338
Meal: Afternoon tea – Chocolate ice cream
Comment: This was a welcome break!